Relocation Issues
Oklahoma City Relocation Lawyers
One of the most chilling challenges in family law is the prospect of your custodial parent or ex-spouse moving far away, and taking your child or children.
Moving Out Of State With Your Child
If you are in this situation, you should know that you have rights, too. We strongly urge you to contact an experienced Oklahoma lawyer to prevent the move-away. At McGill & Rodgers Attorneys and Counselors at Law, we represent both sides in relocation disputes.
What The Law Requires
It is illegal for the custodial parent to move more than 75 miles away with a child without serving notice to the court and to every adult entitled to visit the child. The notice must be served 60 days prior to the move and must address questions of when, where, why and how:
- When the move will happen
- Where, the new address and phone number
- Why, the reason for the move
- How, a new proposal for visitation
Failure to notify family members and the court may result in an order to bring the child back. Modification of custody and visitation rights may also be ordered.
What The Court Will Look For
Before approving or disapproving the relocation plan, the judge needs to know:
- The state of the child’s relationships with both parents
- The state of the child — age, development and any special needs
- The likely impact of the move on the child’s development
- Whether the child’s relationship with the nonmoving parent can continue
- What the child wants
- The reasons for the relocation
- The reasons for opposing it
Edmond Child Custody Rights Attorney
None of these issues are simple, so the need for a lawyer who can help to articulate your point of view is great. The attorneys at McGill & Rodgers pride themselves on their knowledge of the law and superior communication skills. We are also confident in our ability to help sides in a serious dispute to find common ground and thoughtful solutions. We believe this kind of approach is not only in the child’s best interests, but everybody’s.